The Buccs first and second teams headed to Streetsville on Saturday to take on the Mississauga Blues in their first match up against each other of the season.

With strong numbers the second team took the field but went down on the scoreboard quickly due to a number of converted penalty kicks. The Buccs 2 settled down in the second half and drove hard, securing a try off of their own off a penalty thanks to rookie scrum half Basil Lambiris quickly running though the offense. Unfortunately it was the only score of the day for the Buccs 2 leaving the final score at 5-23 for Mississauga. Congratulations to the second team man of the match, Julian Compton who played a strong game at fly half.

The Buccs first team took the field ready to prove themselves against the opposition and in the first 40 minutes dominated the Blues. Three tries led the Buccs to a 15-3 lead at the half. Unfortunately the focus for the second half did not hold up and the Buccs found themselves in a hard fight against a very determined Blues side in the second half. With a number of scores the Blues pulled ahead to win with a final score of 15-22. Congratulations to fly half Colin Alexander who again picked up man of the match honours for the Buccs.

Despite the losses of the day, the Buccs came out in droves for the first real Buccs social event of the year, the Captain’s Big Diik party. With tons of meat graciously provided and cooked by our own Scott Bruce, and lots of beverages sourced by Chris Duggan, the night was a great success proving the Buccs still know how to throw a great party. Proceeds from the event will go to help the club and thanks go out to all those who helped, as well as our Captain Colsey and his great Big Diik for being such a gracious host and subsequently having to clean up the next day.

Next match up is this Saturday against Bay Street. Although it is an away game we still get to play at our home field of Sunnybrook so lets make sure we all get out to practice to prepare to make our first double win of the season.