For the first time in club history the annual Buccaneers Awards ceremony was coupled with our Hall of Fame induction ceremony for 2012. Participants enjoyed a great night at the High Park Club, and had a chance to mingle with alumni whilst enjoying some great food, beverages and fiddle music graciously provided by our own Dan Breault. Congratulations go out to the 2012 season winners:

Clubman of the year – Richie ‘The Professor’ Williams
Davis Kelo Rookie of the year – Lifon ‘What time does this thing end?’ Bedros
Heart & Soul Award – Fraser ‘I voted for Andy’ Cook
Most Improved – Joey ‘Poker Drunk’ Neglia
MVP – Andrew ‘Sick Boy’ Gourley

as well as to this year’s inductee into the Buccaneers Hall of Fame, Todd Smith. Todd has been greatly helpful to the club by way of helping to liaise with the alumni over the years and help ensure their continued involvement with the club. Thanks in large part to to his efforts the club has the privilege of having some great past players who still agree to put up with the young ones and come out every once in a while for some fun.

A very special thank you goes out once again to Kevin Elder, who graciously donated a few more classic rugby ties from his family’s collection, along with some wonderful beverages which were happily enjoyed by not just the winners. In addition, some great prizes were raffled off courtesy of Amsterdam and Steamwhistle breweries, the Keg and Epic restaurants as well as Sydney Johnson’s ‘Ladies Basket’. Special thanks also to Tina, Cat, Steph and Syd for such an excellent job selling raffle tickets, bringing home the most the club has sold at this event.

View photos of the event here