In July of 2012 the Toronto Buccaneers hosted their 4th annual Pink Ladies Day in support of breast cancer research. We are proud to have a tradition in the club of charitable donation, and were touched to receive this thank you letter from Rethink Breast Cancer. For more info or to help support this worthy cause, please see the Rethink website here

Rethink Breast Cancer is honored to receive the funds from the Toronto Buccaneers Rugby Football Club’s Pink Ladies Day. Your organizations dedication and generosity has, and continues, to make a big difference to our charity’s mission and objectives. Your contribution enables us to deliver our unique and much needed services to young(ish) women with breast cancer.

Your donation directly funds:

  • Educating young women about the importance of breast health awareness, focusing on prevention and early detection.
  • Advancing breast cancer research by training the next wave of brilliant research minds and funding innovative, translational research projects.
  • Advocating and raising awareness about the unique needs of young women who are battling breast cancer and helping provide practical support throughout treatment.
  • Maintaining and expanding support services for young women with breast cancer and their families

It is because of the continued support of organizations like you that Rethink will continue to raise awareness and funds in support of young women with breast cancer.


MJ DeCoteau
Executive Director
Rethink Breast Cancer