On June 6 the Buccaneers celebrated their annual Alumni Day where Buccaneers RFC were pleased to induct two new members into their Hall of Fame. The 2009 recipients were Clifford Smith and Damien Keenan, both of who were founding members of the Buccaneers Rugby Club, established 1976. In memory of both players (who have both previously passed on to the big rugby pitch in the sky), Bucs President Jose Duarte, and Bucs Alumni Director Todd Smith made toasts in their honour. The Buccaneers Club are very proud to now have Damien Keenan and Clifford Smith a part of their Hall of Fame.
It was also announced on Alumni Day that an Autumn Tour to Kingston has been organized. The tour-by-train will be leaving October 2nd and returning October 4th. The Buccaneers are scheduled to play two matches – an Old Boys and 1st Team. The Kingston Panthers RFC will be hosting. Please contact Stu at sbetteridge@thefifteengroup.com for more info.