Old and young Buccs came out alike on September 10th to honour two very special past club members. Chris May, a former club captain and Kevin Elder, a former club president both accepted their inaugurations into the Buccaneers Hall of Fame at the high Park Club and helped give other members a chance to hear some of the rich history of the club.

The night was a great oppourtunity for alumni members to see and meet new faces in the club, while the younger players got the wonderful context of knowing where the club has come from and how it strives to continue on in the same spirit today.

A very special thank you goes out to Kevin Elder, who graciously donated some very special touring ties from prominent rugby sides to the club for our raffle, in addition to Sean Webb for organizing the event and the wonderful ticket extortion/sales of Sydney Johnson, Tina Adams and Stephanie Smith. A good time was had by all and we look forward to continuing this great tradition.

Some pictures of the event can be seen here

With our Hall of Fame dinner done we now look to our next major Buccs social event, PRESIDENT’S DAY! The date has been set, Saturday October 22nd. Be sure to book this one off as it is always the highlight of our year. Festivities will commence at the Fox beginning at 11am after which we will move onto a currently unnamed field for our traditional President’s Day game. Following the match we will return to the Fox for our annual club awards. Please note that club members have the ability to vote for MVP and Rookie of the Year awards so send in your picks to James Phillips and/or Sean Webb as soon as possible.

You’d think with all that’s going on we’d take a break after President’s Day but the fun just keeps on coming. We’ll be having our annual Halloween Party the following Friday, October 28th at the Fox beginning at 7:30pm. And stay tuned for info on our ever popular Buccs Poker Tourney, tentatively scheduled for Saturday December 3, followed a week or two after by our Christmas Pub Crawl.

Stay classy Buccs!