
As all of you know we will be touring to San Diego next April and fundraising is in full swing starting this weekend with Colsey’s Big Diik party.

We will be doing is a 50/50 draw running until Presidents Day. When we toured to Trinidad we ran a 50/50 draw and raised over $1000.

You should have received tickets to print via email, however please contact ME if you have not. These tickets need to be sold by Presidents Day on November 6th.

The tour commitee is asking that everyone sell $40 worth of tickets. (20 tickets) If 40 people sell the minimum 20 tickets we will raise $800 for the tour.

If anyone needs tickets printed off let me know and that can be arranged.

All money and tickets must be returned to myself before Presidents Day. If anyone would like to drop money and tickets off earlier than that I am sure something can be arranged.


PS. Sell your damn tickets!!!! The more you sell, the less your tour will cost……