Practice at Sunnybrook Starting Tuesday May 17!

We are back home! Starting Tuesday May 17, 2022, the Buccaneers will resume weekly practices at our home field at Sunnybrook Park (see the map below). Practices will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from May 17th until September at Sunnybrook 6:30pm to 8:00pm, rain or shine. This will also be our field for any home games on Saturdays.
Feel free to come out to chat with current players/coaches and see firsthand what the Buccs are all about. But in order to fully participate in practices and games, you must be fully registered.

As always, we welcome any player old or young, experienced or new to the game. If you have any questions about practices, coaching or joining the Toronto Buccaneers please reach out to via email, or on Facebook/Instagram!

Go Buccs!

Sunnybrook Park – Sports Pavilion (Soccer Fields)
1132 Leslie St, Toronto, ON

Our field is also fully accessible by TTC via 34 Eglinton or 51 Leslie or 54 Lawrence, all stopping right in front of the entrance of Sunnybrook Park at Leslie and Eglinton.


Red = our field, look for boys wearing blue Buccaneer shirts
Purple = parking lots, the lower parking lot is connect to the field through a flight of stairs, the upper parking lot is a direct walk with a cricket pitch in-between our field and the upper parking lot
Yellow = road, you’ll enter Sunnybrook from Leslie and following the yellow on the map, can drive/walk to either the lower parking lot or upper parking lot to find our pitch